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Lip Lift

Permanently enhance the shape and volume of your lips 

A lip lift is a surgical procedure performed to improve lip aesthetics by shortening the upper lip and giving the area a plumper and more youthful appearance. The procedure involves removing a small strip of skin from the area between the nose and the upper lip in order to reduce the vertical length between the two, which can bring the dimensions of the upper and lower lips into better proportion. The reduction of skin also increases the amount of pink lip tissue that’s visible, making the lips look fuller and more pronounced. The surgical scar typically becomes imperceptible, hidden at the base of the nose.

In short, a lip lift surgery helps to improve lip shape and aesthetics without the need for fillers and with longer-lasting results. The procedure is suitable for younger patients with a long upper lip and for older individuals experiencing significant signs of aging around the lips and mouth.

Key Benefits of a Lip Lift

  • Enhance Your Lips’ Appearance
    Give your mouth a voluminous and youthful look.
  • Enjoy Long-Lasting Results
    Have a single surgery that avoids the repeated need for fillers.
  • Improve Facial Proportions
    Aesthetically enhance your lower face by shortening the length between your nose and upper lip.
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While both lip lifts and fillers enhance lip aesthetics, they achieve different outcomes. Fillers temporarily boost lip volume and shape but require regular maintenance and do not alter the upper lip's length, which is crucial for facial aesthetics. On the other hand, lifted lips improve lip projection and volume but are more permanent, so patients must be confident about the outcomes they desire.

Learn more

Our lips change shape and lose color as we age. Changes in the quality of our skin and the volume of underlying soft and bony tissues result in the upper lip looking longer and thinner.

The upper lip is made of three anatomical layers: the outer skin, the underlying muscle that allows for lip function and expression, and the mucosa (the pink smooth layer covering the lip on the inside of the mouth). A lip lift procedure targets the outer skin layer to improve the overall appearance of the upper lip. By removing a strip of skin and suturing the deeper muscle layer and cut edges together, the lip ultimately appears more voluminous and pronounced.

For some individuals, a lip lift is an excellent alternative to using fillers, injectable treatments that are used to give lips (and other areas of the body) a fuller appearance. For others, both might be used together to obtain optimal results.

Fillers are the most common treatment used for lip enhancement, partially given that receiving them is a non-invasive option. But they only add volume on a temporary basis, so they cannot address an upper lip length that is long or cases in which the entire lip needs a more pouty, projected appearance. If you use both, it is critical that you work with an expert who knows how to apply fillers in a judicious manner, ensuring a natural-looking appearance.

The best way to navigate your “lip journey” is to start a conversation with a board-certified plastic or facial plastic surgeon to find the solution that works best for you. Be sure to discuss the benefits and risks of various procedures.


Several techniques can be employed during a lip lift. The most common is the subnasal or bullhorn lip lift, in which a small strip of skin is removed from directly under the nose. Another method is the corner lip lift, which targets the corners of the mouth. Each technique is chosen based on your unique facial lip anatomy and desired outcomes. They may be combined for optimal results.

Choosing a qualified surgeon is crucial for a successful lip lift. It is recommended to seek out a board-certified plastic surgeon or facial plastic surgeon with specialized training and experience in facial cosmetic procedures. Your surgeon should have a thorough understanding of facial anatomy, aesthetic balance, and the latest surgical techniques. Reviewing before-and-after photos of previous patients and discussing their experience can provide reassurance regarding their qualifications.

Lip lifts are generally safe procedures with very high satisfaction rates. The incision is well-hidden below the creases of the nose and rarely results in poor outcomes. Asymmetry and scarring are uncommon but can occur. The most common issue following a lip lift is the need for a touch-up procedure if the outer portion of the upper lip wasn’t shortened enough, or laser treatment to improve the appearance of scars. Lip fillers can be safely used after lip lifts if desired.

Before you go

Before considering a lip lift, talk to your surgeon about exactly what it is that you’d like to adjust about your lips. Is it the horizontal or vertical length, the shape, or the volume? Sometimes, you may not have raised the subject of having a lip lift but your surgeon may recommend it to you in conjunction with a deep plane facelift or in place of having additional lip fillers. It is always helpful to bring in photos that you think represent your ideal aesthetic style, so you can together develop a personalized treatment plan.

During the procedure

A lip lift is typically performed under local anesthesia, with or without sedation; in cases where it is being done alongside other facial rejuvenation procedures, general anesthesia may be used. In any case, you will be comfortable and pain-free.

Your surgeon will start by making an incision at the base of the nose and will then remove a small strip of skin in order to shorten the vertical length between the nose and upper lip. The surgeon will use deep sutures to support the muscles and skin and then close the incision using fine thin sutures. A corner lip lift involves making a small additional incision just above the lip near the corner on each side. The resultant scars typically become imperceptible, hidden at the base of the nose.

Lip Lift Aftercare

You will be given detailed written instructions about what to do after surgery, a contact information number, and any necessary prescriptions for your lip lift recovery. You will usually be able to go home the same day as the surgery, if you have only undergone a lip lift, and should be able to resume all activity within a week.

Pain is usually managed with over-the-counter medications. You may have bruising and swelling of the upper lip after surgery. Do not be alarmed if the initial swelling in the first few days is prominent and makes your lips look a lot larger than what is expected as the final outcome. The majority of the swelling will subside within a week or two and ultimate results will be achieved in a few weeks. The results of a lip lift are typically permanent.