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Breathe better, live better.

The septum is a “wall” of cartilage and bone that divides your nose down the middle. Almost everyone has some level of crookedness to their septum. However, when this “deviation” becomes significant, it can prevent air from flowing freely through one or both nostrils. A deviated septum can also contribute to sinus infections, snoring, poor sleep, and challenges with exercise and meditation.

A septoplasty straightens this internal nasal wall and is specifically tailored to the patient’s anatomy. By straightening the septum, the airways open up, making breathing easier and more comfortable, which can significantly improve overall quality of life for many people.

Key Benefits of Septoplasty 

  • Improve Your Breathing
    Enhance airflow so that you can breathe more fully and easily.
  • Boost Your Quality of Life
    Address breathing-related issues that can lead to poor sleep, difficulty with exercise and challenges in enjoying everyday activities.
  • Reduce Nasal Issues
    Decrease bothersome nasal congestion.
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Septoplasty will never make the airflow on both sides of your nose perfectly symmetrical, even if performed by the most skilled surgeon. The brain detects imbalances in airflow, signaling nasal breathing difficulties. While no one has exact balance, some individuals are more sensitive to these differences, making them more aware and affected by even slight airflow variations.

Improve the look and function of your nose.

Nasal deformities are abnormalities in the shape or function of the nose. They often cause both breathing difficulties and aesthetic concerns. The most common causes of nasal deformities include congenital issues such as cleft lip and palate, trauma, previous rhinoplasty (nose job), infections, rhinophyma, skin cancer (mohs), and cocaine use. The goal of surgical reconstruction is correcting nasal deformities in a twofold manner: improving the structural integrity and functionality of the nose while also enhancing your aesthetic appearance.

Key Benefits of Correcting Nasal Deformities

  • Improve Your Breathing
    Correct functional issues with the nose that can lead to obstructed airflow and related health problems, improving your overall respiratory function.
  • Refine Nose Aesthetics
    Enhance your facial contours and symmetry to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.
  • Boost Your Quality of Life 
    Enjoy greater self-confidence and physical well-being by improving the function and look of the nose.
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Some nasal reconstructive procedures may require multiple stages to achieve optimal results, especially in complex cases involving significant tissue loss or deformity. This staged approach is especially important when your skin tissue is compromised in cases such as skin cancer, tissue necrosis, or multiple previous rhinoplasties.

Refine the shape and appearance of your nose

A nose job, also known as rhinoplasty, adjusts the size, shape, or proportion of your nose, enhancing its harmony with your other facial features. The goal of rhinoplasty lies in refining your nose’s features, creating a natural and authentic look that makes you feel comfortable and confident. The results can shift the attention to your eyes, typically the most salient features of the face. A rhinoplasty can also correct structural problems, improving your nasal breathing if needed.

Key Benefits of Nose Job

  • Improve the Appearance of Your Nose
    Correct the size, shape or proportion of your nose to enhance your appearance and feel more confident.
  • Balance Facial Proportions
    Achieve better harmony with your other facial features to obtain natural-looking results.
  • Breathe! 
    Enhance your quality of life by improving nasal breathing function.
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A rhinoplasty is a journey, not something done in a day. It can take two to three years for your nose to fully “settle” and reveal its final form. The good news is that the results of a well-performed rhinoplasty, done by an artistic surgeon, should last a lifetime.

Improve upon prior nasal surgery

There are two main types of nose jobs often referred to as “rhinoplasty”: primary and revision. Primary rhinoplasty is your initial step into the world of nasal refinement. And it’s often a success that requires no follow-up. But sometimes, the results might not meet your expectations or you might experience breathing difficulties, in which case a corrective surgery may be required. Nose revisions are much more complex than primary surgeries and require a surgeon with particular expertise in the procedure.

Key Benefits of Nose Revision

  • Improve Disappointing Cosmetic Results
    Enhance and correct unsatisfactory outcomes to achieve a more refined and aesthetically pleasing nasal appearance.
  • Enhance Facial Harmony
    Balance and harmonize your facial features.
  • Correct Nasal Function
    Improve nasal congestion and airflow issues related to prior surgery, to help with breathing and improve your quality of life.
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Do not be surprised if your surgeon tells you that they need cartilage from the rib area to get the best results during revision rhinoplasty. This area of the body has ample cartilage that offers exceptional strength and durability, making it ideal for nose revisions. Cartilage is crucial for providing a solid foundation for the nose and essential for achieving successful outcomes.

Bring enlarged pores down to size.

Prominent and enlarged pores, which give the skin a textured rather than smooth appearance, are primarily caused by excessive sebum (oil) production, which stretches the pores, and genetic factors that affect both skin type and pore size. On top of this, the natural aging process and sun damage can contribute to a loss of skin elasticity, which makes pores appear larger, while the buildup of dead skin cells and impurities can further exacerbate their appearance.

Dermatologists generally manage enlarged pores by implementing a multifaceted strategy that includes several steps: regular cleansing, the use of retinoids or exfoliants to remove dead skin cells, and controlling sebum production. This is often complemented by treatments such as laser therapy or chemical peels. Consistent skin care regimens that include non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) products are also key to long-term outcomes.

Key Benefits of Pore Size Treatments

  • Smooth the Texture of Your Skin
    Minimize the appearance of large pores that can give your complexion a dimpled or rough appearance.
  • Improve Your Skin Health
    Leverage treatments that can help keep your skin clearer and healthier by minimizing clogged pores and reducing the likelihood of breakouts.
  • Boost Your Confidence
    Give your face a more youthful-looking glow, minimizing distress associated with facial aesthetic issues.
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Over the past decade, aesthetic concern over "pore size" has resulted in significant negative psychosocial impact for teens and adults, largely fueled by the prevalence of social media filters and high-definition selfies and photos. This digital amplification of skin imperfections has heightened self-consciousness and dissatisfaction among individuals, increasing demand for cosmetic treatments and skincare products targeting pore size.

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