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Browse essential information on surgical, non-surgical, and minimally invasive aesthetic procedures. Learn key details about treatments and what to ask your Physician to start the conversation.

Body (General)

Slim your entire torso in a single session

“360 liposuction” refers to a comprehensive liposuction-assisted body contouring procedure that typically covers the entire torso. This can include the chest, abdomen, waist, flanks, and back. As with traditional liposuction, a surgeon performs the procedure by using tube-like instruments (cannulas) to remove the excess fat residing under the skin, thus refining the outline of the body and helping to improve tone. The difference is that traditional liposuction focuses on a single body part, while 360 liposuction targets multiple areas in the same session.

Key Benefits of 360 Liposuction 

  • Comprehensively Slim Your Body
    Streamline several areas of the body in a single procedure.
  • Target Stubborn Fat
    Remove pockets of fat that have proved resistant to the effects of diet and exercise.
  • Improve the Outlines of Your Upper Body
    Attain optimal contours across the entire torso and midsection.
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360 liposuction is particularly effective for younger patients. Their skin typically has superior elasticity, which is crucial for preventing sagging after the comprehensive removal of fat.

Give definition to a slimmer silhouette.

Significant weight loss can provide numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, reduced risk of diabetes, enhanced mobility, and an overall better quality of life. However, it may also result in excess skin, undefined body contours, or stubborn pockets of fat.

Body contouring surgery after weight loss can encompass a range of procedures that aim to improve the outline, definition, or tightness of your smaller form. These can include procedures that target the chest, abdomen, back, buttocks, arms, or thighs. The exact treatment plan will depend on your particular situation, including the areas being treated and the features you desire to change.

Key Benefits of Body Contouring After Weight Loss

  • Streamline Your Slimmer Form
    Counter unwanted effects of significant weight loss such as excess skin and undefined curves.
  • Give Your Body Definition and Tone
    Achieve a more sculpted appearance in areas of the body like the abdomen, arms, thighs, buttocks, and breasts.
  • Enhance Comfort and Self-Esteem
    Address discomforts, both mental and physical, that can be caused by excess skin and resistant pockets of fat.
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If your weight is still fluctuating, it is important to candidly discuss this with your surgeon. You should ideally reach a stable weight before body contouring to maximize the benefits from surgery.

Streamline your shape

Body contouring treatments are designed to enhance the shape, size, and overall appearance of the body. These procedures can address a range of specific concerns, such as excess fat deposits, loose skin, cellulite, or lack of muscle tone. Historically, surgical treatments such as liposuction and “tummy tucks” have been the mainstay of body contouring. But, over the past decade, there has been a proliferation of new non-invasive treatments, giving patients an array of options.

Key Benefits of Body Contouring

  • Reshape Your Body Without Surgery
    Target fat and sculpt your body with a variety of minimally invasive procedures.
  • Firm and Tone
    Stimulate muscle growth and reduce unwanted fat.
  • Improve Skin Texture and Tone
    Revive collagen production and tighten the skin.
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One of the perks of non-invasive body contouring treatments is that results are gradual, allowing you to be as discreet as you would like about your treatment. Typically, multiple sessions (ranging from three to six) are required to achieve the desired results, with visible changes after each procedure. Keep in mind: with some therapies, maintenance treatments will be needed.

Contour your body without surgery.

Fillers are injectable substances — often made from hyaluronic acid or other biocompatible materials — designed to smooth wrinkles, restore lost volume, and enhance contours. Traditionally, fillers were applied in facial treatments, but they have also become popular for enhancing other areas of the body, particularly the upper chest (décolletage), hands, buttocks, and knees. Fillers not only add volume to the treated area but can also be used to change its shape, correcting small irregularities without the need for a more invasive procedure.

Key Benefits of Body Fillers

  • Enjoy Enhancement Without Surgery 
    Improve your body volume and smooth wrinkles without undergoing an invasive procedure.
  • See Results Immediately
    Quickly experience improvements to your body contours.
  • Boost Your Confidence
    Correct subtle issues that affect your ability to enjoy the activities of everyday life.
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The FDA approves fillers for use in specific areas of the body. Many are approved for the face. Below the face, there are several products that are approved for use in the hands (including Restylane Lyft® and Radiesse®), but most other body fillers in the United States are being given in an “off-label” manner. It is always important to consult with a board-certified physician to find out what is safe and suitable for you and your specific body part.

Redefine your body contours.

Cosmetic body implants, made from biocompatible materials like silicone, offer an immediate and long-lasting option to enhance body contours and proportions. Breast implants, which are used in breast augmentation or breast reconstruction, are the most common types. Other examples of body implants include buttock implants, calf implants, pectoral (chest) implants, bicep or tricep implants, and deltoid implants. Some implants are specific to the face and can be used to augment the cheekbone or chin.

Key Benefits of Body Implants

  • Improve Your Body Contours
    Enhance the definition and proportions of your body to better align with your aesthetic goals.
  • Enjoy Immediate and Long-Lasting Results
    Quickly reap benefits that last longer than non-surgical body contouring techniques.
  • Boost Self-Confidence
    Alter areas of your body that make you feel insecure or self-conscious.
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High-quality breast implants can remain problem-free for well over ten years, but it is advisable to undergo ultrasound monitoring of the implant every few years or sooner if any visible changes are noticed. It is important to note that mammograms can be safely performed on women with breast implants, and the ability to breastfeed is generally unaffected.

Streamline the contours of your lower body.

A body lift is a body contouring surgery that focuses on the lower body — including the abdomen, hips and flanks (sides of the body), lower back, and buttocks. The procedure removes excess skin and subcutaneous fat to refine the outlines of the lower body, in some cases utilizing liposuction techniques as well. Although body lifts are commonly performed after significant weight loss, pregnancy, or due to the natural aging process, some people who opt for this procedure simply wish to reduce excess skin and improve the shape of their body.

Key Benefits of a Body Lift

  • Improve Your Body Contours
    Enhance your silhouette and proportions by removing excess skin and tightening underlying structures.
  • Be More Comfortable
    Eliminate tissue that can cause discomfort and restrict movement.
  • Boost Your Confidence 
    Feel more at peace with the shape of your body and more confident in tackling the challenges of everyday life.
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It is important to consider your current and ideal preferred body contour. Do you prefer a thinner waist and larger or more prominent buttocks? What exactly bothers you about your lower body? How about your abdomen and belly button? All of these are important points to discuss with your physician.

Renew or refine your previous results. 
Any cosmetic surgical or non-surgical procedure creates changes in the body. These can include scars or changes in the shape, size, contour, or tightness of the treated areas. Some changes fade away, while others become more pronounced with time. Some may be reversible, and some may be irreversible.

In cases where changes are not fixed, body revision surgery can help correct a previous surgical result that was unsatisfactory for either functional or aesthetic reasons. Revision surgery can also refine a previously successful result that may need a final touch-up or have evolved over time. In some situations, more than one surgery may be needed to reach your desired aesthetic outcome.

Key Benefits of Body Revisions

  • Correct Unsatisfactory Results
    Amend surgical outcomes that do not meet your expectations for either aesthetic or functional reasons.
  • Refine Successful Results
    Change your outcome from good to great by having a surgery that provides a final touch-up.
  • Renew Fading Results
    Recapture the aesthetic improvements from an initial surgery that have changed over time, often due to the natural aging process.
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It is essential that you opt to have revision surgery only if the benefits outweigh the risks. Ask your doctor if a more conservative or non-invasive approach might reach your desired outcome. Additionally, be sure that you have reasonable expectations about the effects of both the initial and secondary procedure; even in the hands of the best surgeon, you may not be able to achieve a “perfect” outcome.

Reduce cellulite for smoother skin

Cellulite affects an estimated 80-90% of women after puberty and nearly all women over 30, while affecting fewer than 10% of men. While having cellulite is overwhelmingly prevalent for women and generally harmless, many individuals seek treatments for cellulite to improve its appearance. This is often described as a dimpling comparable to the surface of an orange peel. The goal of an anti-cellulite treatment is to improve the look of this dimpling, both in quantity and depth. While there is no permanent cure for cellulite, some advanced treatments provide temporary improvements.

Key Benefits of Cellulite Treatments

  • Smooth Skin Dimpling Without Surgery
    Reduce cellulite dimpling, enhancing the overall texture and appearance of your body.
  • Enhance Your Self-Confidence
    Improve your skin appearance, boosting confidence and promoting a positive self-image.
  • Treat the Root of the Problem
    Address the underlying cause of cellulite, resulting in smoother skin and improved tone.
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You can treat cellulite on most skin types. For laser-based treatment, the practitioner may need to make some adjustments to the procedure based on the tone and thickness of your skin. Your healthcare provider should be assessing your skin type to determine the right approach.

Optimize your body contours.

Fat transfer (also known as “autologous fat grafting”) improves body contours by extracting fat from areas where it is plentiful, such as the abdomen or thighs, and subsequently transferring it to regions requiring augmentation, such as the breasts, hips and buttocks. Though the technique was initially developed to restore lost facial volume, the procedure has evolved to become a popular method for enhancing and reshaping areas across the body. Fat transfer offers a natural approach to altering your appearance, without the need for synthetic implants or temporary fillers.

Key Benefits of Body Fat Transfer

  • Enjoy Dual Benefits
    Contour and augment different areas of your body at the same time, slimming some areas and enhancing others.
  • Use a Natural Approach
    Leverage materials from your own body to achieve aesthetic improvements that feel and look authentic.
  • Avoid the Need for Implants
    Improve your appearance and self-esteem with a less invasive and intensive procedure.
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Not all fat transfers are identical. The procedure involves a considerable degree of artistry, particularly in determining the precise location for extraction and volume of fat to be transferred. This can vary significantly depending on your surgeon's skill and aesthetic judgment, as well as your personal goals.

Help your identity and body align.

Gender-affirming surgery refers to a category of surgical procedures that aim to better align a person’s physical features with their gender identity. This can help ease gender dysphoria, the distress or discomfort that a person can suffer when their assigned or perceived gender is different from how they personally identify. This treatment can include a variety of procedures that feminize or masculinize the face or body, including facial gender-affirming surgery, “top” (chest) surgery, or “bottom” (genital and pelvic) surgery.

Any gender-affirming surgery should ideally be planned as a component of a comprehensive approach to gender-affirming or transgender care. For those with gender dysphoria who are good surgical candidates, these procedures can lead to significant improvements in quality of life, well-being, and confidence.

Key Benefits of Gender-Affirming Surgery

  • Improve Your Mental Health
    Significantly reduce feelings of gender dysphoria by better aligning your outward appearance and inner sense of self.
  • Enhance Your Quality of Life
    Enjoy more comfort in personal, social, and professional settings.
  • Boost Your Confidence
    Move through the world with ease and self-esteem, lessening feelings of being misperceived or misunderstood.
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Gender-affirming surgery profoundly changes your anatomy, and most of these changes are irreversible, so it is important to be sure that this is the right path before embarking on this journey. The medical team that helps you navigate this process should ideally include a psychiatrist, social worker, endocrinologist, plastic surgeon, and any other specialists needed. A urologist or urogynecologist should be involved if you are considering bottom surgery.

Give your body definition

High definition liposuction, also called “HD lipo”’ or “hi-def liposculpture,” uses advanced liposuction techniques to enhance the body’s contour, with a focus on giving you a more athletic and defined look. Physically fit individuals, or those struggling with stubborn fat in certain areas, have the best results. The procedure is a refinement surgery and not designed to remove large amounts of fat. For example, people who simply want more definition to enhance the appearance of their muscles—like the “six-pack” muscles of the abdomen or the shoulder and arm muscles—are often good candidates.

Key Benefits of High Definition Liposuction

  • Achieve a Sculpted Physique
    Target and modify fat cells in a precise manner to etch and define muscles.
  • Customize Your Definition
    Achieve your desired level of definition in specific areas.
  • Obtain Natural, Long-Lasting Results
    Enhance muscle definition to achieve well-defined abs, resulting in natural, attractive, and long-lasting results.
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Skin elasticity, which refers to your skin's ability to stretch and snap back to its original shape, is the most critical factor in achieving optimal results from high definition liposuction. Patients with good skin elasticity are more likely to have smooth, tight, and well-defined contours following the procedure, while those with poor skin elasticity may experience sagging or wrinkled skin that can compromise the final outcome.

Heal smoothly and beautifully.

A laceration is a type of wound typically caused by a sharp object tearing the skin. Lacerations may result in clean and straight wounds or have significant irregularities. They can occur in various body parts and range from minor to severe, depending on the size, depth, and location of the wound. Achieving an optimal cosmetic outcome when treating a laceration necessitates precise and delicate closure techniques. It is not just about stitching up a cut: It is about reducing the wound tension and aligning everything so neatly and precisely that the ensuing scar blends seamlessly with your skin’s natural lines and contours.

Key Benefits of Laceration Treatment (Body) 

  • Enhance Your Body’s Healing and Appearance
    Avoid complications and unwanted aesthetic outcomes by having your wound meticulously closed.
  • Minimize Scarring
    Significantly reduce scarring by seeking early treatment from a skilled surgeon.
  • Maintain Function and Sensation
    Address damage to underlying nerves, muscles or other tissues that may have been impacted.
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Lacerations of the hand can be particularly severe, as they may involve damage to tendons and nerves, which are crucial for finger and hand movement. When tendons are lacerated, it can result in impaired function and significant loss of strength or flexibility in the hand, while nerve damage can lead to numbness or loss of sensation. Such injuries often require the expertise of a hand surgeon or specialist to ensure precise repair and rehabilitation, maximizing the chances of full functional and sensory recovery.

Shape and contour your body 

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that aims to refine the shape and contours of your body. Traditional liposuction uses suction to remove unwanted fat in specific areas such as your belly, flanks, hips, thighs, arms, neck, or in multiple areas (known as 360 Liposuction). It is a wonderful option if you maintain a healthy body weight but are unhappy due to the presence of excess fat in specific areas. Liposuction is not a replacement for weight loss.

Key Benefits of Liposuction

  • Target Stubborn Body Fat
    Remove unwanted fat accumulation around the belly, flanks, hips, thighs, arms, and/or neck.
  • Enhance Muscle Definition
    Target areas to add definition, using fat removal to shape and contour.
  • Optimize Complementary Procedures
    Complement other procedures such as a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) or fat transfer to the face or other parts of the body.
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Have you had prior cosmetic treatments? Although non-invasive methods for shaping the body are typically safe and effective, they can significantly alter tissue layers that can impact your liposuction procedure. Inform your surgeon about any injectable fillers like Radiesse® and Sculptra®, or non-invasive treatments you’ve received, including radiofrequency (e.g., Thermage®, Morpheus8™, SylfirmX®), ultrasound (Ultherapy®, Sofwave™), CoolSculpting®, electromagnetic stimulation (EmSculpt® or CoolTone™), and fat-dissolving injections (Kybella®).

Revitalize your post-pregnancy body

“Mommy Makeover” is a catchall term for a procedure or set of procedures that target areas of the body that tend to change after pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. There is no standard Mommy Makeover. The combination of procedures used by your surgeon is tailored to your specific needs and can include improvements to the breasts, abdomen, buttocks, labia or other areas. The common goal is to refine the shape and contour of the body, enhancing comfort and self-esteem.

Key Benefits of Mommy Makeover

  • Enhance Your Body Shape
    Improve the overall contour and proportion of your body.
  • Rejuvenate Multiple Areas Together
    Combine procedures to address a variety of concerns at once and save on recovery time.
  • Restore Self-Confidence
    Increase your self-esteem following a significant life event.
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If you plan to have more children, it’s best to postpone having a Mommy Makeover. Subsequent pregnancies can alter the results of the surgery.

Get your glow back 

Skin resurfacing and smoothing treatments encompass a range of non-surgical procedures that are designed to enhance the appearance of your skin. These treatments target a range of concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, tone and texture, age spots and scars, pigmentation issues, and lack of elasticity in the skin. The common thread is helping you achieve a refreshed and revitalized look.

Key Benefits of Skin Resurfacing & Smoothing Treatments

  • Rejuvenate Your Skin
    Remove old skin and promote new growth for a younger, more refreshed appearance.
  • Reduce Hyperpigmentation and Target Discoloration
    Address discoloration and age spots to reveal more even skin tone.
  • Improve Uneven Skin Texture
    Reduce the appearance of fine lines, scars, and enhance overall skin texture.
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With any aesthetic treatment, it’s always best to be specific when describing your goals, such as “I want to reduce wrinkles around my eyes”, “Smooth my skin texture”, “Even out my skin tone”, or “Improve my scarring or dark spots.” This can help tailor the treatment plan and make sure you walk away satisfied. That said, if you’re not sure exactly what you want and are open to guidance, general statements like “I want to look younger” are perfectly fine.

Fade streaks and reveal smoother skin  

Stretch marks, also known as striae distensae, are narrow streaks or lines that appear on the skin’s surface due to rapid stretching. This stretching can rupture the collagen and elastin fibers that support our skin, resulting in an inconsistent skin texture and striated appearance as healing occurs.

Stretch marks, which are more prevalent in women, typically appear on the lower abdomen, back or flanks, buttocks, thighs, or breasts. Though common, their presence can cause significant emotional distress, affecting self-image and self-confidence. While treatments have not been successful in removing them entirely, there are effective novel therapies that can make these streaks less visible.

Key Benefits of Stretch Mark Treatments

  • Improve the Appearance of Your Skin
    Minimize stretch mark streaks on areas like the back, flanks and thighs, helping to optimize your body’s complexion.
  • Enhance Skin Texture
    Bring consistency to your skin by treating areas where it is striated or elevated.
  • Boost Self-Confidence
    Minimize marks that can affect your body image and lessen your comfort in engaging in everyday activities.
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Despite advancements in various therapies, treating stretch marks remains challenging. This difficulty stems from the near-permanence of stretch marks, intricate processes involved in skin healing, diversity in skin types, and individual reactions to treatments. While the appearance of stretch marks can improve, you should not expect the skin to completely regain its original texture and color.

Tighten your core 

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is an aesthetic surgery that removes excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen and hip areas. It also tightens the abdominal fascia (the connective tissue over the “six-pack” muscles) to improve the abdominal contour. An abdominoplasty can also alleviate medical conditions like rectus diastasis, a widening between the two rows of six-pack muscles, which can happen or worsen during pregnancy or after significant weight gain.

Key Benefits 

  • Tighten Your Entire Abdominal Wall
    Flatten and tone your entire abdomen area with dramatic results.
  • Enhance the Contour of Your Abdomen
    Shape your lower abdomen and hip area by removing excess skin and fat.
  • Strengthen Your Core
    Improve your posture by tightening the muscles that help support your spine.
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A “mommy makeover” is a combination of tummy tuck, breast surgery, and liposuction designed to restore a woman's body to its pre-pregnancy shape; it is a good option if your body has experienced a broad range of post-pregnancy or weight loss changes. In addition to providing a tighter shape to the abdomen, the mommy makeover can deal with concerns like sagging breasts and excess fat in other areas, providing a more holistic transformation.

Give your skin a consistent, smooth appearance.

Vascular skin issues encompass a range of blood vessel conditions that affect the appearance and health of the skin. These issues can manifest in various forms, including visible blood vessels, discoloration, and lesions, and are commonly seen on the face and legs.

Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen veins that often appear blue or dark purple and bulge from the surface of the skin. They occur when the valves in the veins do not function properly, causing blood to pool and veins to twist.

Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias, are small red, purple, and blue vessels that resemble a spider’s web or tree branches. They are typically visible on the surface of the skin, most commonly on the face and legs. Such conditions are often caused by factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, prolonged standing, and aging. Numerous other vascular issues, such as hemangiomas, rosacea, and venous lakes, can also be apparent on the face and body.

While vascular skin issues are often considered an aesthetic concern that can lead to self-consciousness, certain conditions can also pose health risks, including discomfort and potential circulation problems. Regardless of the type of vascular skin issue, several treatment options — including laser therapy, sclerotherapy, the use of energy-based devices, and surgical procedures — can greatly enhance patient outcomes.

Key Benefits of Vein & Vascular Treatments

  • Achieve a Smooth, Even Skin Tone
    Restore a uniform skin tone and reclaim a youthful appearance in areas such as the face and legs.
  • Prevent Health Complications
    Correct issues with blood flow that can lead to circulation issues and discomfort.
  • Boost Self-Confidence
    Counter the effect of prominent veins or patches on the skin that make you self-conscious about how you appear and what you wear.
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Given the diverse treatment options and unique needs of each condition, it is crucial that your physician is not only board-certified but also a true expert in the use of lasers and vascular skin issues, with access to a wide range of devices and treatments.

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